In an open letter dated 10 August 2021, addressed to President Cyril Ramaphosa and copied to Health Minister Dr. Phaahla, serious concerns regarding the health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were raised. Follow-up communications on 17 and 26 August received only acknowledgments of receipt, without substantive responses. Supported by 3510 individuals, the letter urges the Minister to address specific health-related pleas outlined in the initial correspondence, emphasising the importance of evidence-based medicine and highlighting disturbing international statistics showing post-vaccination surges in COVID-19 cases and deaths. The letter proposes suspending the vaccination rollout until further studies confirm the vaccines’ risks and efficacy and advocates for alternative safe and effective treatments. The authors request an urgent meeting or public debate to discuss their evidence and viewpoints.
7 September 2021
The Honourable Dr Mathume Joseph ‘Joe’ Phaahla,
The Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa
Dear Dr Phaahla,
1. On 10 August 2021 we addressed an open letter to His Excellency the Honourable President Cyril Ramaphosa, in which we expressed very serious concerns and requests relating to the saving of lives and livelihoods of South Africans. A copy of this letter COVID-19 PANDEMIC – HEALTH AND ECONOMIC CRISES Open Letter to President Ramaphosa (copy attached), under cover of an email dated 10 August 2021, was also sent to you at In follow up of the issues raised therein we now address this open letter to your good self.
2. Our letter and email to the President have been followed up by further emails and documents on 17 August 2021 and 26 August 2021, all of which have also been sent to you at We have received acknowledgments of receipt from the Presidency to each of these 3 email messages, each one of which states that the matter “will receive the required attention and a response will be communicated soonest”. Considering the magnitude of the Covid-19 crises, and the devastating effects thereof of the health, lives and livelihoods of South Africans, we note with serious concern that we have not received any response other than the acknowledgments of receipt.
3. Please see attached confirmation that our pleas to the President have by now been supported by 3510 concerned persons. Please also note the seriousness of the concerns and frustration that are evident in the text of most of the comments directed at the President.
4. As the contents of the letter refer not only to the President, but also to members of his national and provincial executives and to the Department of Health inter alia, we respectfully requested the President or his office to distribute copies thereof to relevant persons and institutions. We assume that by now the President will have asked you, in your capacity as Minister of Health, to attend to the health aspects referred to therein.
5. Not yet having received any response from the President or from your good self, we now urgently and seriously plead with you in the following terms:-
5.1. Please read, consider and respond to the pleas set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.1.7 of our well-intentioned and patriotic letter to the President.
5.2. In our view each of these pleas is of a medical nature, therefore in your field of expertise, and each falls within the scope of your responsibility and power to promote the health of South Africans.
5.3. To the extent to which any plea relates in whole or in part to the scope of responsibility or power of another Minister, we would urge you to communicate this to the President and to your relevant colleague/s.
6. Further to the above Minister, we are sure you will agree on the importance of relying on Evidence Based Medicine in making plans and decisions.
6.1. In this regard please see a brief explanation in COVID-19 – Blind Faith or Open Minds Critical Thinking in Times of Crisis (copy attached).
6.2. We have recently become aware of startling and disturbing international statistics, as analysed and presented in Unprotected Mass Vaccination Triggers Covid19 Waves Worldwide (copy attached); and VACCINATION vs COVID Morbidity Mortality Correlation – Countries (copy attached).
6.3. We urgently request that you consider the importance of these statistics that show post-vaccination surges in COVID-19 cases and deaths worldwide.
6.4. In the light of these findings, as well as those referred to in our letter to the President, you will understand our concerns about recent statements by yourself and others in relation to vaccine mandates.
6.5. We propose suspension of the vaccination roll-out in South Africa until proper studies have satisfactorily determined the real risks and efficacy of COVID-19
6.6. We simultaneously propose protection and treatment of South Africans by use of the safe and effective methods summarized in the GOOD NEWS about COVID-19 (copy attached) and set out in detail in the source documents referred to therein.
7. We and other like-minded professionals are more than willing to present, in a private meeting or in an open public debate, the evidence and supporting science for our standpoints and views. This should take place at the very earliest opportunity so as to save lives and livelihoods.
8. We look forward to your urgent acknowledgment of receipt, as well as your
communication of an appropriate forum and time for such meeting or presentation and debate.
Yours faithfully,
Sgd. Dr Herman Edeling
M.B.,B.Ch.(Wits) : F.C.S.(S.A.)(Neuro)
Neurosurgeon/Medico-Legal Practitioner/Mediator